EteRNA : RNA Knots for Science

For my HCI Methods Lab project, I joined a team of 4 other MHCI students to work on a project that was pitched as “Understanding the Evolution of Life through Massively Multiplayer Games.” The purpose of the Lab project was to apply the Methods we were learning in class to a real project with a real client. Our client was Adrien Treuille, Assistant Professor in the computer graphics group at Carnegie Mellon University, whose team who worked on, a popular protein folding game, was looking for user research to inform the design of a new RNA knot tying game.

We used this project to practice the methods of Contextual Design (Beyer and Holtzblatt). We conducted Contextual Inquiries with players of, Spore, and World of Warcraft to understand their motivations, social interactions, and workflows for manipulating objects in a virtual 3D space. We used these observations to create work models to inform our design mockups.

Final Presentation [PPT]