During the travel/moving break, each of us sketched and explored possible concepts individually. We wanted to make sure we each did some grounded, reasonable sketches, but also pushed each other to break out of the box and explore some radical departure. We also wanted to make sure that some sketches were geared toward the initial desert rats deliverable, but others explored broader visions.

During our first week, we will came together to share our sketches with each other. Each person had a slightly different focus and several themes developed:

1. Allowing executors to delegate or replan more effectively by showing them more information.

2. Different conceptions of time: absolute, relative, delta from schedule.

3. Hierarchical nature of activities, tasked, and procedures.

4. Spectrum between time-constrained activities and optional tasks.

It was interesting to see how each person thought about the problem in a different way. We kept these ideas top-of-mind as we moved forward to set our project scope.

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